More than 75 years singing history
„DEUTZ-Choir Köln e.V.“ with over 100 active members
The DEUTZ-Chor was founded in March 1946 as a workplace choir. It has since delighted lovers of music, concerts and singing all over the world. At the Gürzenich event venue in Cologne, on tour abroad, or on CD: with its music, the DEUTZ-Chor moves the world the same as our engines.
Continuing the tried and tested. Daring to try something new.
The DEUTZ-Choir Cologne is breaking new ground: The DEUTZ-Choir can look back on almost 75 years of sophisticated singing, major concerts and performances and intimate small events. A success story.
This success story includes the major concert tours to Russia, Belarus and China, to Istanbul and Venice, to Lomagna / Italy and Bulle / Western Switzerland - to name just a few examples from recent years. This also includes the regular concerts in the Cologne Philharmonie, the annual pre-Christmas concerts in the "good parlor of Cologne", the Gürzenich, many charity concerts and socially motivated activities. However, the DEUTZ Choir is not only defined by its concert tours and performances. The choir has been confirmed by the press and the public as an excellent ensemble and an absolute team player when making music together with large orchestras, soloists and other important choirs. All of this is due not least to its excellent conductors and artistic directors, who have shaped and continue to shape the choir from the very beginning.
However, this successful track record is also an obligation. In 2021, the DEUTZ-Choir Cologne celebrates its 75th anniversary. A good occasion to break new ground. The choir will continue what has proven successful; it will dare to try something new. For example, the successful philharmonic concerts will be continued. As will the traditional pre-Christmas concerts. But there will also be new concert formats such as the "WienerOperettenCafé". A "TalentDay" will promote young talent and try out new forms of musical performance. Collaboration with other choirs will be stepped up, all with the aim of finding new singers and participants for the choir.
Thus positioned and prepared, the DEUTZ-Choir Köln is optimistic about the future, which has already begun.